Increase in tuition fees – Not a pawn in politics!
On Friday, 6 December 2024, the ETH Board published the new regulations for the increase in the ETH Law. New are the definition of foreign students, the indexation of tuition fees and the Bachelor-Master transition regulations. Below are the resolutions:
Foreign students are now defined as persons who move to Switzerland for the purpose of studying.
There will be an indexation of tuition fees for all students from 2029 (730CHF). This will be based on base value of inflation for the year 2025.
The tuition fee increase applies to all of the above-mentioned persons who newly enrol on a degree programme. This means that if you are currently studying for a Bachelor's degree, for example, you can complete this programme with the the same fees. However, as soon as you enrol on the Master's programme, you will have to pay the higher fees.
You can find more information here.
Together with AGEPoly, VSETH has spoken out very strongly against the increase and in favour of good transitional provisions. in favour of good transitional provisions. This means no indexation and no increase in fees from Bachelor to Master. We are extremely disappointed to see that the ETH Board is deciding to this extent against the welfare of the students and thus against diversity at ETH.
Is it over now?
No, that was just the beginning. The next increase is already upon us! The Gaillard report proposed to double the tuition fees nationwide for all students and quadruple them for international students!Our national student representation (VSS) therefore launched a petition in November, which is just the beginning of a major campaign next year.
Help us give you a strong voice and sign this new petition! We need to stand together against this!
September 2024:
The Council of States has aligned itself with the National Council's proposal to anchor tripled tuition fees for foreign students in the ETH law. This means that the law will be amended accordingly, making the increase in tuition fees mandatory. This intervention represents a serious attack on the autonomy of the universities and completely ignores the far-reaching consequences that this decision entails. It is far less about financial matters, as is often claimed, and more about political signals being sent at the expense of the students. Furthermore, the decision completely disregards the will of the universities and their assemblies. VSETH will work to ensure that this decision is mitigated by as many transitional regulations as possible, as well as sufficient compensation in the form of social scholarships, so that ETH institutions can remain as diverse and open-minded as they are today.
What now?
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